InStarts With A Bang!byEthan SiegelAttosecond spectroscopy wins 2023’s Nobel Prize in PhysicsOur greatest tool for exploring the world inside atoms and molecules, and specifically electron transitions, just won 2023’s Nobel Prize.Oct 11, 202350Oct 11, 202350
Graham PembertonThe Evolution of Consciousness, Ultimate Purpose, Jean Gebser and Bernardo KastrupDespite my somewhat grandiose title, this is not going to be an in-depth discussion of these issues, rather some brief notes to make Medium…Jul 21, 202110Jul 21, 202110
Figs in WinterThe neuro- and evolutionary biology of drives, emotions, and feelingsAntonio Damasio is arguably one of the most interesting modern scholars in that he is a highly skilled neuroscientist and yet has a…Nov 1, 202110Nov 1, 202110
InMind CafebySean KernanYou’ve Been Sold a Massive Lie About WillpowerIt’s not just a “depleting resource”.Jan 4, 202253Jan 4, 202253
Dr. Ojuolape KutiThe Strange Effect Called TransferenceLike Usher said, “You remind me of a girl…”Nov 27, 20214Nov 27, 20214
Figs in WinterA conceptual map of the Hellenistic schools of life philosophyThe Hellenistic period is one of the pivotal moments in the history of humanity, a “moment” that historians bracket with the death of…Nov 26, 20214Nov 26, 20214